Residents asked for their views on highways and transport services
Local residents are being asked to take part in the National Highways and Transport Public Satisfaction survey. Residents can share their views on a range of highways and transport services including the condition of roads and footpaths and the quality of cycling facilities.
The answers will then be compared with the rest of England and Scotland to identify areas of best practice and spot national, regional and local trends.
A questionnaire will be sent to a random sample of 3,300 residents starting from June, followed by a reminder, with local and national results to be published in late October.
The survey is the largest collaboration between local authorities, offering them the opportunity to compare results, share in best practice and identify further opportunities to work together in the future.
The survey can be completed online if preferred with a short URL link printed on the front of the questionnaire.
The results will enable the National Highways and Transport Network to find out what local people in think about these important services. This will give local residents an opportunity to say which services they think should be prioritised and improved.