Honorary Freeman nominations are open for 2024
As we are now in the final year of the current council, there is an opportunity for a member of the community to be recognised for exceptional service and be nominated for the title of Honorary Freeman.
Honorary Freeman is the highest honour Chippenham Town Council can award, and are only able to award a maximum of three times over a four year period.
If you would like to make a nomination, please read the criteria below and follow the process to ensure the nomination is made correctly:
• The nomination should be made in confidence without the nominee’s knowledge.
• Nominations require a proposer and a seconder, which must be a current Chippenham Town Councillor.
The reasons you may nominate someone for Honorary Freeman include:
• Bravery
• Outstanding acts that promote the Town
• Outstanding sporting achievement
• A contribution which is seen above the contribution of others
• A personal contribution to the promotion, achievement and/or delivery of community services
• A significant amount of time spent serving members of the community to ensure their well-being.
If you would like to nominate someone then you can get a form on the council's website chippenham.gov.uk
Please email your nomination form to Michael Weeks, Democratic & Civic Officer mweeks@chippenham.gov.uk
Nominations will will close on 1 December 2024.